My great new thing! South African Ricoffy

As I begin my Saturday morning leisurely sipping my new favorite hot beverage, Ricoffy, I was reminded of something very important. If you are fortunate enough to be able to travel the world or do anything that is special and unique, but sure to take away things that allow you to relive the wonderful experiences over and over again.

I had an enriching stay in Gaborone, Botswana, giving service to the community, exploring cultural sites and even learning the Setswana language with new friends (now family in my eyes). One of the things that became a staple of my morning routine was to visit the small room where we had breakfast each morning to enjoy a hot cup of Ricoffy. It is instant coffee granules combined with just the right amount of chicory.

For those unfamiliar with this delicious root, chicory is a pretty flowering plant and it's root is used in coffee to cut off the edge of the bitter taste while a rich, coffee flavor remains. The side note is that chicory first entered coffee in France and then around the world during a coffee shortage because while chicory does not contain caffeine, it has a very rich flavor that strongly resembles coffee. When this coffee shortage ended, the practice returned because of the great flavor. Apparently the world-famous coffee at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans contains chicory due to it's French roots. ( So there's a whole different topic that out of lack, something great arose...but that's for another blog.

The main point of this story is that because I was able to bring a little Ricoffy with me back to the States, each time I sip this delicious drink, I am instantly reminded of the wonderful memories that were made, friendships developed, legacies built and the overall amazing experience that I had in Botswana.

So I encourage you to be sure that whenever you get to explore and take off for a new adventure, bring back those things that will allow you to reflect and revisit the good old times whenever you want. It's good for your mind and spirit...placing a smile on your face!

Please comment in the comments box on the website to share your thoughts on this blog post. I want to hear from you!

Until next time,

Wyjuana Montgomery

P.S.---If you want to try Ricoffy for yourself, I did find multiple online outlets, but I prefer not to recommend any of them since I have not tried the services myself, but a quick Google search of the term "Ricoffy" brings up many options. Do let me know if you get to try Ricoffy.
