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Wyjuana Montgomery being interviewed on the Freedom KAUT Morning Show about her NO FEAR Ladies Conference
October 2021-Dec 2021-Wyjuana hosted the inaugural 8-week Project N.O. F.E.A.R Teen Girl Mindset Transformation Program for OK County Juvenile Justice. This partnership allowed Wyjuana to use her powerful personal story alongside the curriculum based on her award-winning book to empower girls who are on probation and/or otherwise juvenile justice involved to look at life from a new perspective and learn to make choices that will move them forward from their current situations. The program got great reviews from the girls themselves and the officers who were present to observe each hour-long session. She hopes to expand this program in the near future.

21-Wyjuana was the Keynote Speaker for the virtual Capital City Charter School Girls Retreat (Washington, DC). This innovative event allowed Wyjuana to connect with a group of young middle and high school girls in the nation's capitol to share Living the N.O. F.E.A.R Life. Each girl also received autographed copies of her book and she hosted Q&A for them after her keynote address.

03.20.21-Wyjuana served as Keynote Speaker for the Oklahoma City Police Department FACT Program's We Rise Teen Girl Retreat. Wyjuana shared one of her most popular presentations based on her 2X award-winning book, Living the N.O. F.E.A.R life with an audience of about 30 teen girls and female officers chaperoning this overnight event held at the Camp Trivera Retreat Center across from the Oklahoma City Zoo.

03.19.21-In partnership with the Oklahoma Successful Adulthood (OKSA) program for youth aging out of foster care, Wyjuana hosted a two and half hour Zoom workshop for case managers, therapists and foster parents serving foster youth all across the state of Oklahoma.  Wyjuana shared "The Many Colors of the Teenage Girl," a color-coding system that can essentially be used as a quick informal assessment of the teen girl profile they are working with. Wyjuana is not a licensed therapist, counselor or a case manager, but these "color" types were created based on her years of experiencing mentoring girls from all walks of life and even caring for some in her home. Participants spent the last hour of the workshop in breakout sessions attempting to assign colors to teen profiles provided to them and determining how they can use this system as they carry out their duties supporting teen girls and their assigned caregivers.

03.17.21-Wyjuana was the featured guest on the OKSA Connects internet program. This interview served to introduce Wyjuana to the audience of therapists, counselors and case managers who may attend the Zoom workshop, "The Many Colors of the Teenage Girl," that Wyjuana will host on March 19th in conjunction with OKSA.

02.26.21-Wyjuana hosted 4 different virtual presentations for Riverdale Public School's Equity Day. She began with a 45-minute presentation for the 5th & 6th graders called "It All Starts With Hello." 7th & 8th graders were treated to the same presentation at a middle schooler's level. Wyjuana shared that "Expand Your Friend Zone" presentation with the high schoolers and wrapped up the day with an hour and a half long Equity RoundTable discussion with Riverdale's Parent Group.

.20-Wyjuana hosted the 7th Annual NO FEAR Ladies Conference (First ever virtual edition)-Theme: There's Life in the Midst of COVID-19. Not to be discouraged by the pandemic, Wyjuana assembled a virtual production team that allowed her to pull of the first ever virtual edition of the NO FEAR Ladies Conference. The virtual conference kicked off with some very appropriate COVID-19 comedy when celebrity emcee, Actor James Nichols,  took time to "mask up" and sanitize the camera for his virtual audience. The conference presenters were a heavy-hitting list including top execs from Prudential and Microsoft as well as highly sought-after Social Media Influencers such as Business Coach Shalena DIVA. There were also musical guests and virtual vendors. Wyjuana wrapped it up nicely with closing remarks. The international audience of attendees, which included some of Wyjuana's friends from Botswana and Japan could have taken journals full of notes from all the NO FEAR nuggets of wisdom that were dropped.

03.08.20-Wyjuana (aka Lady Wy) co-hosts the first annual I AM SISTA community awards alongside her husband, Fredrick Montgomery (aka the Hood dr.). This uniqe event is the brainchild of another Black power couple, Keith and Karen Brown. They envisioned a platform to recognize individual Black Women and Black Women Organizations for embodied the attributes of SISTA (Strong, Independent, Spiritual, Thriving and Authentic). In addition to giving out a variety of awards to very deserving people and organizations in business, healthcare, education and even a cancer survivor who received the Cancer Warrior Award, guests were treated to dinner, live music and vendor shopping as well. 

02.29.20-Wyjuana hosted a Black Author Showcase at Commonplace Books in downtown Oklahoma City. A 2X award-winning author herself, Wyjuana teamed up with two other local Black Woman authors, Sabrena LeRoy (Author of Pieces of My Story, an autobiographical poetry book) and Sequoya Turner (Author of Patti Pink and The Royal Family, a children's fiction book) to wrap-up Black History Month by sharing their stories and their books for invited guests to this multi-author book signing and patrons who happen to come through the store during their showcase.

02.19.20-02.22.20-Wyjuana visits Riverdale Middle School (Portland, OR) for two days hosting Author Talks for the entire 7th Grade and a Motivational Workshop for the 8th Graders. The entire 7th grade read Bold Brave and Courageous in preparation for the visit and they got the rare opportunity to enjoy live Q&A with th author herself. On Day 2, Wyjuana visited the 8th grade English classes to offer words of wisdom and participate in special activities with all the 8th grade classes.

01.06.20-Wyjuana was the featured guest for the One Person teen girl mentorship program founded by Ms. Rosie Thompson. I had the awesome pleasure of pouring into girls at Southeast High School today. I let them know that no matter what family they are in, what they have done or where they live, their present and future can still be bright depending on the choices they make.

01.04.20-Wyjuana is the Vice President of a local economic empowerment group based in Hugo, OK, called Initiative for Marketing Success Alliance or IMSA and gave the keynot address for the 1st Quarter Meeting. Wyjuana gave her "Shifting to an Entrepreneurial Mindset" presentation to help the room of 20+ small business owners understand the mental and behavioral shifts that must take place when you are building your own business.

10.03.19-Wyjuana is a featured Panelist at the ReCharge Her Women's Conference
Who doesn't like Girl Talk? This unique conference opens its three-nights with a no holds barred, any question goes segment called Girl Talk. I love that this event provides a safe, non-judgmental space for women to anonymously ask questions about marriage, dating, sex, forgiveness and life in general. We laughed and we cried together and I will be sure to attend one of these every year!

08.27.19-Wyjuana educates the Christian Women Disciples on Reach Forward Foundation (El Reno, OK)
What a pleasure and honor to connect with Christian Women Disciples member Valerie Payne after she saw me on television several months prior. As Executive Director of Reach Forward Foundation, I am humbled that she cared enough about what we are doing for youth to want her regional chapters to learn more and learn how they can help. We want to thank them for donating $425 in Walmart/Sam's Club gift cards to help us with activity supplies, snacks and anything else we need that we can purchase from Walmart or Sam's.

08.24.19-6th Annual NO FEAR Ladies Conference: Theme: UNSTOPPABLE
This was another sellout with 150+ women and teen girls in attendance to glean from a panel of 11 women, all UNSTOPPABLE in their own rite. On the adult side, women heard about everything from financial literacy, to divorce recovery to how to stop posting personal stop signs in life. And on the teen side, they learned about confidence, internet safety and the importance of the right mindset. 20 vendors dotting the conference floor as well. Most important of all, this sellout effort helped raise nearly $700 for Reach Forward Foundation, $100 more than what was raised last year. Check out the video recap of this phenomenal women and teen girl event on the Photo/Video page on the NO FEAR Ladies Conference channel.

07.26.19-Wyjuana shares as a Panelist with teens at the Girls Inspiring Generations (GIG) Workshop (Moore, OK)
Girls start off with dreams and goals when they are young, but life happens along the way. I was able to share the platform with 2 other dynamic women to share how I "became" the woman I always dreamed of being. Professor Jacqueline Corley is the founder of the international organization, Girls Inspiring Generations.

06.08.19-Wyjuana shares "Worth Your Weight In Gold" at the EmpowerHer Worth Women's Conference hosted by Kelly D. Butler.
We as women possess unique gifts and characteristic just like precious stones and metals. Just as precious stones and metals are vital and serve unique purposes so do we, but sometimes we lose sight of them in the comparison game. I hope that my metaphorical presentation and interactive component reminded every woman present to value herself for the unique person she is vs expending negative energy comparing herself to others.

04.29.19-Wyjuana shares with girls at Seattle Girls' School while visiting her hometown, Seattle, WA
This school holds a special place in my heart as I worked there in the early 2000s as the Admissions & Development Coordinator. Their mission is very unique to provide an innovative educational experience to a diverse group of 5th-8th grade girls in an independent school structure. Here girls are taught to fearlessly be themselves, ask questions and push the limits of what the world thinks they can accomplish. It was an absolute honor to share my N.O. F.E.A.R. message with them.

04.15.19-Wyjuana shares her life's journey on the Rehab Your Life Podcast
From 1 lb 16oz preemie baby to surviving childhood sexual abuse to traveling across the globe, she has done a bit of everything and shared how to make things happen and keep moving forward no matter what life throws your way!​

02.26.19-Wyjuana stops by Martin Luther King Jr Elementary School in Oklahoma City to share with 5th graders how they can become part of Black History now!
This was a fun, energetic group who enjoyed looking at photos I shared with them and listening to my life story. There were a few aspiring authors in the group as well. 

02.15.19-Wyjuana visits the GIFT Co-Op to encourage a group of homeschoolers.
We all know it takes a village to raise a child so this was an excellent opportunity to come alongside these conscientious parents and provide a bit of encouragement in the middle of their school day. Some students shared their future plans and I shared tidbits on how they can get there.

01.30.19-Wyjuana admonishes 50+ girls at Millwood Middle School to have a "NO FEAR Day."
This event was special as teachers at Millwood took time out to put together workshops to inspire their girls to be and feel their best. I was able to do my part in sharing my journey of writing Bold, Brave and Courageous and how they can live the  N.O. F.E.A.R. Day every day by following the tenets of my 2X award-winning book. Many thanks to Teachers Appreciation Foundation for sponsoring copies of my book to be distributed to select students.

11.20.18---Wyjuana addressed the Tu-Ya Chapter of ABWA (American Business Women's Association at their monthly meeting.
It was an honor to share with this group of women of all ages who have either made major contributions to their employer or in their own entrepreneurial exploits.

08.25.18---The 5th Annual NO FEAR Ladies Conference
The conference was a smashing success again with 120+ women and a handful of men learning how to move past fear and on to their next from a powerful platform of speakers. Check out the recap video on the NO FEAR Ladies Conference channel on the Photo/Video tab above.

08.06.18---Wyjuana addressed the incoming freshman class at Langston University in Langston, OK.
I had the pleasure of speaking to an auditorium full of young people preparing to dive heard first into college life. Upon reflecting on my own experience as a first-generation college attendee at Duke University, I put together a very practical presentation called "10 Things Every College Freshman Should Know or Do." Students came up to me afterwards to ask questions 1:1 and gain a bit more insight into what it takes to be a successful college student while others came to simply let me know they shared my hometown of Seattle, WA. This was a wonderful experience and I plan to share this practical presentation at other colleges and universities across the country.  Langston University is unique in that it is the only Historically Black College in the state of Oklahoma. It boasts a proud legacy of educating young African-American students. 

07.14.18-Wyjuana encouraged teen girls to be resilient and "bounce back" when life throws difficult situations at you
I had the pleasure of sharing with teen girls from across the OKC Metro Area and the 2nd annual Reflections of a Broken Woman Adult & Teen Summit hosted by fellow Motivational Speaker Cynthia White. I had the pleasure of sharing with preteen and teen girls my personal story, how I was able to bounce back throughout my life from my premature birth of 1 lb, 14 oz, to growing up without my father, my experience with sexual abuse, my first broken heart at 13, receiving my first ever "F" on a report card my freshman year of college and more. It was a pleasure to see the shyest girl in the room gain more and more confidence as time moved on. And we rallied our joint resilience at the end through a special group activity. "Thanks to Cynthia White (Class, Inc & Conference Founder) and Event Sponsor BeeInspired, each girl in attendance received a copy of Bold, Brave and Courageous: A NO FEAR Success Guide for Teen Girls with a special message that I signed especially for each of them. Check out photos of me and the girls in the Photo/Video section.

06.14.18-Wyjuana shares with young Girl Scouts @ the Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma Day Camp
With bouncy balls and images of Juliette Gordon Lowe, the founder of Girl Scouts of America, I shared how Juliette Lowe was bold, brave and courageous to strike out and form an organization like Girl Scouts and how they can continue to be bold, brave and courageous Girl Scouts today.

06.07.18-Wyjuana shares a message of hope and life skills with Oklahoma teens, mostly young ladies aging out of foster care.
Did you know that foster youth age out of state care and their connection to all the resources that have supported them as foster youth the day they turn 18? Because of this the National Resource Center for Youth Services (NRCYS) based at University of Oklahoma, hosts a teen conference for about 400 youth in this situation each year. They have a weekend of food, fun and games with workshops being provided by mentors and other adult advocates such as myself to help them prepare for the next stage of life on their own. My workshop entitled "To be young, bold, brave and courageous" was greeted with much excitement as 22 girls and 2 young men along with 3 adult chaperones filled the room and sat around the tables. I gave these young people a message of hope and reminded them that their past and current situation does not dictate their ability to be productive and successful in the future. I shared personal stories from my life, gave them time to reflect through discussion questions with their table groups and we played a few group games. I knew I had done my job well when 3-4 young ladies came to me afterwards and told me they learned a lot and really appreciated me coming out to share with them. I hope to do this very important event each year.

05.04.18-Love has everything to do with everything
This is what Wyjuana will share on Friday, May 4th, when she serves as Keynote Speaker at the 16th Anniversary Banquet for Liberty Abundance Ministries at the Midwest City Community Center. Lady Cynthia Petties-James is the Senior Pastor of Liberty Abundance Ministries in Midwest City, OK. The theme for the evening is A Church in Love and the Sub-Topic is What's Love Got to Do With It? Wyjuana has an anointed message to share on exactly what love has to do with 16 years of ministry and how we walk out our daily lives. To purchase tickets to the banquet, click here.

04.14.18-Wyjuana brings her Bold, Brave and Courageous Workshop to the Girl Scouts of Western Oklahoma
A room full of Girl Scouts ranging in age from 5-18, their mothers, troop leaders and Girl Scout Alumnae from Service Unit 606, were treated to the Bold, Brave and Courageous Workshop. The message centered on how to be Bold, Brave and Courageous in the Girl Scout world (i.e being a positive, productive member of your local troop) as well as in your school and community. A highlight was the sharing of how Wyjuana went "Over the Edge" when she rapelled down all 16 stories of Leadership Square in downtown OKC to raise money for Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma. If that doesn't take a bold, brave and courageous woman, I don't know what does. After the workshop, the crowd of 50+ was treated to a book signing of Bold, Brave and Courageous: A NO FEAR Success Guide for Teen Girls. To see photos from this event, click here.

04.07.18-Wyjuana receives the 2018 Impact Woman of the Year Award
I had the pleasure of accepting the 2018 Impact Woman of the Year Award at the Women of Color Expo sponsored by Perry Publishing & Broadcasting.

03.5.18-WYJUANA SPEAKS on Marriage & Family Life @ Putnam City West High School
It was a distinct honor and a privilege to share the life lessons I've learned over the course of my nearly 19 years of marriage to the love of my life, Fredrick Montgomery. Our love story is far from the usual having started with a 2-1/2 year long-distance courtship in which we only saw each other on 6 separate occasions including when I graduated from Duke University and returned to Seattle, to marry him July 1999. Yet, we are still together, still madly in love and I don't regret one day of it. However,  we live in a society where marriage does not hold the place of honor it once held and quite frankly many young people aren't even sure if they want to be married because of how it is portrayed in the media and the lack of examples of healthy marriages in their own homes and communities. Through fun stories and speaking very candidly, I hope I was able to relay to the 6 classes of 9th-12th graders in Ms. Brenda Ostercamp's classes that if marriage is a commitment they decide to make one day, it can be successful with much thought, prayer, self-reflection, wisdom, forgiveness and a strong commitment to making your relationship work. 

02.24.18-The Bold, Brave and Courageous/P.U.R.E. Fashion Show Fundraiser is a huge success!
The 3 months of hard work put in by the 30 young models, ages 10-20 something and the labor of love put in by myself, P.U.R.E. Founder Andrea Morgan and Model Coach Rejeanna Walker, was all worth it! The Fashion Show Fundraiser was awesome! We raised $1,500 for The Dragonfly Home, the only state-certified crisis center in the state of Oklahoma for Human Trafficking. This OKC-based agency rescues women and girls from sex trafficking and provides the comprehensive care needed to get them back on their feet, healthy and whole again! 
Did you know Oklahoma is ranked #22 in Human Trafficking? Visit to see how you can help. To see cool photos from the Fashion Show, click here.

02.01.18---My book Bold, Brave and Courageous earned the 2018 Feathered Quill Bronze Award for Teen Non-Fiction. Check out the announcement here.

01.27.18---2nd Annual Business Besties Brunch
Me and my awesome husband Fredrick Montgomery aka the Hood dr, had an amazing time serving as featured panelists on the Expert Entrepreneur Panel. We were able to share unique perspective as a husband/wife team who have separate business aspirations, but also work closely together to benefit the community. Check out photos here.

Bold, Brave and Courageous Workshops hosted for Okmulgee Public Schools
Check out the Tulsa News 8 Story here.
12.11.17 - 12.12.17
Earlier this week, I hosted two 4-hour workshops: 1 for all 5th-8th grade girls and the other for all 9th-12th grade girls in Okmulgee, OK. The District Superintendent recognized a need amongst their girls and saw fit to bus them to a local community where we learned, played and even had lunch together over the course of 2 days.
These workshops were nothing short of powerful. Our time together was a combination of addressing the girls on the N.O. F.E.A.R. Life components, table discussion amongst themselves, self-reflection, group activities and very powerful question box sessions.

The anonymous question box provided for the girls would prove to be one of the most popular elements of our time together. These young ladies were not only being empowered to live the N.O. F.E.A.R. Life, but many were able to ask and get solid advice on very serious topics for the very first time.

The impact of these two days was summed up when I read one feedback survey that said, "You changed my life forever."
Check out photos and video in the gallery.

Week of Service in Gaborone, Botswana
10.25.17 - 10.30.17
It was an epic trip to Gaborone, Botswana for 3 impactful events. Oct 27th, I spoke to 120+ girls ages 10-16 at the Gaborone International School. Oct 28th, I addressed a group of entrepreneurs on "Making the Most of Every Stage of Your Life: Prosperity, Transition and Struggle. Oct 29th, I met with the CEO and Community Liaison of the Kagisano Society Women's Shelter (home to women and children who are survivors of gender-based violence) to donate supplies and forge a long-term partnership. Visit the Blog and Gallery sections of this website for the detailed scoop in words and images!
I hope to do it all again next year!

2017 NO FEAR Ladies Conference has largest ever turnout!



It was obvious that this year the ladies and teen girls had NO FEAR about turning out. The conference had record registration of 117 women and 48 teen girls AND the majority showed up!


From 8 powerhouse speakers and the Keynote Address from Conference Founder Wyjuana Montgomery herself, this event was amazing!


The inaugural N.O. F.E.A.R. Lady Award was also given to 2 very deserving ladies:


Nikki Nice-91.2FM/1140AM Open Mic Radio Co-Host and Special Co-Host on the Living Oklahoma Show


Sabrena LeRoy aka Blessed Poet-Author/Special Needs Advocate



Wyjuana promotes the NO FEAR Ladies Conference on local news outlets--Click the links to watch the interviews.


Freedom 43's Rise and Shine Show
Empowering Soul's of Sista's adopts Bold, Brave and Courageous into its Girls Mentorship Program

When Author Wyjuana Montgomery met with Gladys Price one morning at Panera Bread, she knew they were destined to work together. The two dynamic women had a common passion and mission to enrich the lives of teen girls.


Gladys Price and her business partner Nakitha Beverly are the founders of Empowering Soul's of Sista's, affectionately known as ESOS.


ESOS will serve middle and high school girls at Douglass Mid-High in Northeast Oklahoma City through in-school meetings and Saturday meetings at the downtown Oklahoma City library beginning in early May.


After reading Bold, Brave and Courageous,  Gladys and Nakitha determined that this tool would be a great fit for their program. Most of the books have now been donated, but girls are still wanting to join the program. To learn more about ESOS and donate books to the program, click here.







A couple weeks ago, Unique Leadership Program in Seaford, DE, became the first girls program in the country to officially implement Bold, Brave and Courageous into their curriculum.


This group of 35 middle and high school girls not only began reading the book two weeks ago, but will use it as the foundation for a conference the girls themselves will present in April.


Group Leader Natasha Mullen says she employed the help of the community for a book recommendation and Bold, Brave and Courageous rose to the top so she began the work of getting 35 copies donated for the young ladies of Unique. Visit the Bold, Brave and Courageous Facebook page to see pics of these wonderful young ladies on their first dive into the book.

Bold, Brave and Courageous: A NO FEAR Success Guide for Teen Girls becomes official program curriculum
Wyjuana to present at the 3rd Annual Teachers Appreciation Foundation (TAF) in OKC

Wyjuana will participate in the TAF Awards Banquest for the 2nd year in a row!


Last year, she shared personal stories about the teachers who meant so much to her growing up. This year, she will have the honor of presenting an award to one very deserving teacher who has personally impacted the life of her daughter, Tavia.


Teachers Appreciation Foundation was founded by Karim Muhammad to honor and provide tangible support to metro area teachers who are constantly asked to do more and more for our students with diminished resources each year. Learn more at

The official Bold, Brave & Courageous Book Signing & Reception @ LaRoot (Oklahoma City)

On Saturday, Oct 22nd, Author Wyjuana Montgomery hosted a book-signing like no other that included mini manicures and a photo and video shoot for the girls. And of course, she took advantage of the opportunity to share words of wisdom on how to live the N.O. F.E.A.R. life.


Girls and parents alike were energized, inspired and ready to take on the world by the time it was over. And yes, a great amount of books were sold and autographed as well.


Check out the amazing pics in the Gallery!

Book-Signing @ Barnes & Noble Educator's Reception
Wyjuana shows girls how to Be a B.O.S.S.E. at the Dinner Table

Wyjuana had the pleasure of instructing a room full of pre-teen and teen girls on how to conduct themselves in a formal dining setting at the annual She's a B.O.S.S.E. Leadership & Etiquette Workshop. B.O.S.S.E. standards for beautiful oasis of success, style and elegance. Wyjuana covered everything from place-settings to table manners and cell phone use (or non-use) at the table. The girls then enjoyed a delicious catered meal where they could practice their newly acquired formal dining skills.


This was Wyjuana's second time speaking to girls at this wonderful community event held in Oklahoma City for teen girls. She's A B.O.S.S.E. was created by Stephanie D. Moore of Oklahoma City.

Wyjuana addresses the Oklahoma City Chapter of the American Business Women's Association (ABWA)

This group of current and retired women entrepreneurs and business professionals were in for a treat as Wyjuana admonished them to "Extinguish Your Fear-Ignite Your Dreams."


Ignite Your Dreams was the theme of the occasion and Wyjuana did not disappoint as she spoke from her heart and professional experience on stepping up and out to leave fear behind and pursue your life and professional goals and dreams.

3rd Annual No Fear Ladies Conference

As creator of the No Fear Ladies Conference, Wyjuana hosted yet another successful conference. This conference is not your usual women's conference, but exists to encourage, inspire and empower women and teen girls to Reach Forward with N.O. F.E.A.R. to accomplish their personal, professional and community goals. The objective of this annual event is simple, whatever that thing is that a woman or girl walks in the door wanting to do, knowing she should be doing or dreams of trying one day, when she leaves, she will be ready to do it!


This year's panel of powerful speakers did not disappoint:  Keynote Speaker Delena Sunday, retired Exec Vice President of Human Resources for Nordstrom, Inc (Seattle, WA), Dr. Nicole Swiner of Durham Family Medicine (Durham, NC), Helping Hands Founder Uganda Richardson (Oklahoma City, OK), First Lady Renee Burns of Harvest Church (Moore, OK), God's Reigning Girls Commedienne and Minister Dr. Chiquita Miller and of course Wyjuana herself reminded the audience that "NO FEAR is not a slogan, it's a lifestyle." Holding it all together with much flair and humor was Mistress of Ceremonies Bee (Benedria) Smith. This event also featured a variety of vendors and food trucks. 




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