If your faith was taken to the limit, would you remain In Christ?

Good morning Queens,
I have to ask this hard question this morning. I know it's the 4th of July and you are about to barbecue and hopefully spend quality time with your children if you have them and other family members.
I have included the photo above because from left to right, it is my 15 year old son, me, my 16 year old nephew, my husband of 18 years come July 10th and my 10 year old daughter. Y'all these people have all my love (my pastor taught me to give God my heart because He will never leave me and people my love). If something suddenly happened to one of my loves, I would be shaken to my core.
A young mother who has babysat my children for years and attended my teen events suddenly lost her absolutely gorgeous 7 month old boy in his sleep in the wee hours of yesterday morning.
There are no words I can utter to her to cover such grief. I have been fightimg tears on my vacation myself because my heart hurts so much for her. My husband was just holding the bouncy beautiful baby boy 2 days before his passing. There are no words.
We all know the scripture in Job, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but are we truly prepared to handle this reality if it happens to us.
Sisters I submit to you to make sure your life is truly "in Christ." If your life is simply losely based on Christ, sometimes influenced by Christ, or maybe "inspired" by Christ, this kind of gut-wrenching, unexplainable event could destroy you and shatter your faith.
You must be rooted in the Word enough to know without a shadow of a doubt that while a situation may not be good at all and in fact may be utterly painful, all things still work together for your good (Rom 8:28). This scripture does not mean the situation is good, but that in the end, you will be okay. You will come out spiritually stronger, mentally sharper, resilient and with a testimony to help others.
So I ask again, are you rooted and grounded in Christ and God's Word to remain In Christ even if life pushes your faith to the limit.
Supporting Your Life In Christ,
Wyjuana Montgomery, MAOM