To all the mothers who support WYJUANA SPEAKS, I want to say Happy Mother's Day! I hope you enjoy the pics of me and my beautiful mother,...
Fall is here! What life colors are you changing?
Today I took a long drive for work and noticed beautiful tall trees and bushes along the side of highway in different yellow, orange and...
(Video) 2018 NO FEAR Ladies Conference Recap
Let me tell you all something! If you knew the challenges I faced this year while preparing to put this life-changing women and teen...
Speak what you want
Photo Credit: Kristin Harris (Koko Photos) The world is full of amazing things right within your reach if you speak what you want....
New things in 2018!
Isaiah 43:19: Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness,...
A Thankful Thanksgiving
All across the country and even in Botswana (as the locals told me), folks are celebrating Thanksgiving today! But are you truly...
24 hours til I take off for Botswana!
Well not really because I'm just now posting 5 hours before I must be at the airport, lol. Well anyway, know that I am ecstatic that the...
The final 3-day countdown to Botswana begins!
Bags are mostly packed...well at least mine are. The hubby has his stuff ready, but it needs to get in the bag. 2 huge suitcases are...