Will you pass the test?
UNSTOPPABLE, FIRESTARTER, GROUNDBREAKER! These are all superwoman terms that we may use to describe ourselves and that others may use to describe us and our accomplishments---they also happen to be the themes of my last 3 NO FEAR Conferences, by the way. These powerful accolades are well and good, but who are you when a test comes?
The very area where you pride yourself on being an "expert" or where others come to you for guidance , may flip where you are the one in the midst of the challenge needing support. You talk about it, you write about it, you speak about it, but can you past the test when it is your turn? I have recently been tested in major ways by people and situations related to the very thing I am called to do. It is one thing to talk the talk, but when the rubber meets the road, can you walk the walk? I had to ask myself this question.
I made a decision that I had no choice but to take a deep breath, ponder over my own advice, dig my heels in and keep moving forward.
This is the same thing I encourage you to do because the only way to really be "great" and stand out amongst the crowd and become the best at what you do is for you to pass the tes
The NO FEAR Lady,
Wyjuana Montgomery