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4 steps to progress

Are you ready? I mean are you really ready for your next adventure, the next challenge, the promotion that is just around the corner? Many of us dream of the next big thing in our lives and say we want it, but do you really want it? If you do, then start today. Navigate your daily life as if you are already on that next level. It's a mindset thing. If you can believe it, you can do it. It sounds cliche, but it's true. Until you believe that you are enough and have what it takes to accomplish what you set out to do, it will only be a dream with no vehicle for action.

So here are the necessary baby steps to "eat the big elephant":

1. Write the vision

2. Align with the right mentors and go team members

3. Be intentional and plan to make consistent progress daily, weekly, monthly

4. Like Nike said, just do it!

After all of my years of informally mentoring, Reach Forward Foundation does not exist simply because I had a dream. I had to

1. Make a plan

2. Consult people already running successful nonprofits and put together my Board and Program Team

3. Set aside time to do the necessary research and complete the required steps to make the Reach Forward Foundation mentorship program a reality

4. Jump in and do it!

Result: Having begun hanging out with the youth August 2018, we have had the pleasure of serving over 30 amazing 6th-12th grade girls and boys in the OKC Metro area doing such things as vision boards, PSAs, feeding the homeless, visiting the OK History Center and step College Tour @ Southern Nazarene University! Learn more or sign-up your 6th-12th grader at

AND stay tuned for more details as they unfold for the 6th Annual NO FEAR Ladies Conference on Sat, August 24, 2019, 9-3pm at an OKC area venue TBD at and

In the meantime, you can also book me for your next womens, business or teen event at

Yours with NO FEAR,


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