Be Award-Winning In All That You Do!

When I began writing Bold, Brave and Courageous: A NO FEAR Success Guide for Teen Girls, I knew in my heart of hearts, it was going to be good. Not because I am so great, but because I wrote it from my heart and it has an essential message of self-worth, value and going after your dreams that every girl, regardless of race/ethnic/cultural group, socio-economic or geographical background needs to hear.
My feelings were confirmed when the very girls I wrote it for began to share what it meant to them, how it inspired them, opened their eyes to things they never even thought about...and their mothers too.
And now to earn the 2018 Feathered Quill Bronze Award/3rd Place for Teen Non-Fiction is the icing on the cake! I can now say I am an "award-winning" author.
What award-winning project are you working on? What award-winning idea do you have? What award-winning business do you need to start? Your idea could be worth a million dollars or could enrich the lives of a million people if you put forth the effort and make it happen!
You too can be award-winning, literally or figuratively. If you don't know where to start, contact me at
Bold, Brave and Courageously yours,
Wyjuana Montgomery
P.S.---I'd love to see you at the Fashion Show Fundraiser benefiting, that I am co-hosting this Saturday, Feb 24th, in Oklahoma City. Get more info and grab your tix at